
Tim Cope to Direct New Ph.D. Program in Neuroscience and Neurotechnology
A joint effort across the Colleges of Computing, Engineering, and Sciences, the program will educate students and advance the field of neuroscience through an interdisciplinary approach.
March 09, 06:00 PM
"Father of the Cyborgs" at Atlanta Science Festival
March 10, 11:15 AM
"Examining dexterous motor control in children born with a below elbow…
March 10, 06:30 PM
Exploring Artificial Intelligence Through Science, Philosophy, and Art
March 11, 11:00 AM
(Rescheduled from Jan. 21) Learn about grant and collaboration opportunities…
March 12, 04:00 PM
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming BRAIN-Industry Session, a virtual…
March 13, 11:00 AM
"Neuroscience and Health: Navigating Postgraduate Pathways"

Explore the intersection of neuroscience, technology, and society at Neuro Next Initiative events. These events are open to Georgia Tech faculty, students, and staff; government, academic, and industry representatives; and the public.