2024-2025 Seminar Series

Learn from the Experts

The Neuro Next Seminar Series is a public event that showcases local and invited experts in the fields of neuroscience, neurotechnology, and related areas of societal and human impact. It is open to Georgia Tech faculty, students, and staff, as well as government, academic, and industry representatives.

"Attention in the Brain and Neural Networks"

Konrad Kording, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
"Dissociating Language and Thought in Humans and In Machines"

Anna Ivanova, Georgia Tech

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Title Forthcoming

Irina Beloozerova, School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Tech

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
"Single Neurons and Distributed Coding: Revisiting Vision in the Age of Big Data"

Carlos Ponce, Harvard University

In Person: CHOA Seminar Room (EBB 1005)
"Race and Neuroscience Today: Social Drawbacks, Scientific Challenges, and Future Possibilities"

Oliver Rollins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Co-Sponsored by School of History and Sociology

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
"Predictive Coding of Natural Self-Motion: Implications for Perception & Action"

Kathleen Cullen, Johns Hopkins University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Title Forthcoming

Apurva Ratan Murty, Ph.D., Georgia Tech

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
"Neural Mechanisms of Birdsong Learning"

Richard Mooney, Duke University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)