Irina Beloozerova
Research Scientist
School of Biological Sciences
Georgia Tech
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Research Interests
Research in our laboratory focuses on neuronal mechanisms that underlay complex whole-body movements occurring in everyday life situations. We focus on electrical activity of nervous cells, because these cells communicate between each other to form motor commands and activate muscles to produce movements by means of electrical signals. Many neurological diseases lead to impairment of movements. Understanding how whole-body movements are produced by the activity of brain neuronal networks is needed to treat motor deficits in neurological disorder and stroke patients.
Faculty Host: Ming-fai Fong
Summary Sentence
"Thalamo-cortical Network in Locomotion" - Irina Beloozerova, Georgia Tech
Event Location
Petit Biotechnology Building, 315 Ferst Drive, NW, Suddath Seminar Room 1128, Atlanta, GA 30332
Event Contact Info