Seminar Series Archive

Collection of Past Talks

Explore our archive of past Neuro Next seminars to find informative and engaging topics.

Themes and Variations in Animal Behavior

Gordon Berman, Emory University

Metaplasticity and Meta-Learning in the Cerebellum

Jennifer Raymond, Stanford University

Living Electrodes: Developing Optogenetic Neuronal Networks for Circuit Modeling & Biological Neural Interfaces

Dayo Adewole, University of Pennsylvania

Illuminating Brain Immune Signaling in Alzheimer’s Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury

Levi Wood, Georgia Tech

Large-scale Network Organization in the Human Brain

Randy Buckner, Harvard University

The Nonlinear Population Dynamics Underlying Taste Perception and Action

Donald Katz, Brandeis University

Mechanoreceptor Contributions to Cortical Tactile Feature Representations During Locomotion

Alan Emanuel, Emory University

Functionally Stratified Encoding in a Biological Gyroscope

Bradley Dickerson, Princeton University

Synapses Lost and Found: Developmental Critical Periods and Alzheimer’s Disease

Carla Shatz, Stanford University

Building (on) a Null Model for Big-data Neuroscience

Audrey Sederberg, Georgia Tech

Connectomic Deep Brain Stimulation

Cameron McIntyre, Duke

Perception in Action: Neural Circuits for Active Auditory and Tactile Decision-making

Chris Rodgers, Emory