Seminar Series Archive

Collection of Past Talks

Explore our archive of past Neuro Next seminars to find informative and engaging topics.

Novel Devices for Enhanced Auditory Stimulation

Pamela Bhatti, Georgia Tech

Artificial Intelligence platforms for translatable closed-loop neuromodulation

Babak Mahmoudi, Emory University/Georgia Tech

Analysis of social behavior in Lake Malawi cichlids using automated behavior phenotyping

Patrick McGrath, Georgia Tech

Machine learning approaches to characterizing and interpreting brain-wide dynamics

Shella Keilholz, Georgia Tech/Emory              

How early-life experiences sculpt brain circuits to promote resilience or vulnerablity:  Role of microglia

Jessica Bolton, GSU

Dissecting hand dexterity and recovery processes for effective rehabilitation

Jing Xu, UGA

Hierarchial structure and computation of data-driven cortical networks

Hannah Choi, Georgia Tech

Real problems and beast machines:  predictive processing and conscious experience

Anil Seth, Univ of Sussex

The functional connectome across spatiotemporal scales:  How integrating fMRI and (i)EEG changes our understanding of the human brain

Sepideh Sadaghiani, Univ Illinois- Urbana-Champaign

Reconsidering parietofrontal activity during action encoding: translating basic science to motor rehabilitation

Lewis Wheaton, Georgia Tech

Electrical Conduction Block of Neural Activity

Warren Grill, Duke

Brain dynamics related to short term memory and learning

Fritjof Helmchen, University of Zurich