Seminar Series Archive

Collection of Past Talks

Explore our archive of past Neuro Next seminars to find informative and engaging topics.

Neural coding of sound in the ascending and descending auditory pathways

Daniel Polley, Harvard

Defining neuromodulation targets for PTSD using neuroimaging

Sanne van Rooij, Emory

 Neurotechnologies to restore functions after spinal cord injury

Gregoire Courtine, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Ecological resources and the evolution of parent-offspring interactions

Lauren O'Connell, Stanford

Spontaneous travelling cortical waves gate perception in behaving primates

John Reynolds, The Salk Institute

Timing is everything:  Tales from neural circuits and behavior

Garrett Stanley, Georgia Tech

What does a muscle sense? Multiscale interactions governing muscle spindle sensory signals

Lena Ting, Emory/GA Tech

Flexible Learning and Decision Makng in a Changing World

Alireza Soltani, Dartmouth

The neurobiology of decision making: The best-laid plans of mice and primates

Michael Shadlen, Columbia

Inner Rhythms:  Music Technologies Informed by Perception and Physiology

Grace Leslie, Georgia Tech

Investigating social spaces: Role of the prefrontal cortex in mediating social investigation

Malavika Murugan, Emory

How hippocampal memory shapes, and is shaped by, attention

Mariam Aly, Columbia