GT Courses - Undergrad
BMED 4803 Intro to Neural Engineering, Singer, TR 2-3:15
BME 4783 Intro to Medical Image Processing, Wang TR 9:30-10:45
NEUR 3010 Methods in Neuroscience, Stanley, 12:30-1:45
NEUR/BME 4803 Neural Systems, Networks, and Behavior, Cope, Brown, Sponberg MW 9:30-10:45
PSYC4090 Cognitive Neuroscience, Rahnev,TR 3:30-4:45
PSYC 4020, Biopsychology, MW 2-3:15
GT Courses - Grad
BMED 7012 Integrative Core II, Haider WF 3:30-4:45
BMED 7601 Advanced Seminar in Neuroengineering, Pardue TR 5-6:15
APPH 6212-A Systems (Neuromuscular) Physiology II, Balog, TR 2:00pm-3:15pm
APPH 6232 Locomotion Neuromechanics, Chang MW 2-3:15
ECE/BMED 6790 Information Processing Models of Neural Systems, Rozell TR 2-3:15
BMED 8813 Interfacing Engineering Technology and Rehabilitation (Emory DPT 988, IBS 760R) Willet, Wolf W 4-7 pm
ME 8843 Biomechatronics of Wearable Robotic Systems, Sawicki, Young, MWF 3:30pm-4:20pm
CS8803-CAB: Computation and the Brain, Santosh, Mon 5-7:45pm
Emory Courses - Grad
CS 584-1 Adaptive Machine Learning, Banerjee, MW 2:40pm-3:55pm
CS 584-2 Computational Methods for Biomedical Image Analysis, Kamaleswaran, TR 4:20-535pm
IBS514 Cellular Neuroscience, team, M-F 9:30-11
IBS534 Computational Neuroscience, Berman, MW 2:40-3:55
IBS 760R, DPT 988 Interfacing Engineering Technology and Rehabilitation (GT BMED 8813) Willet, Wolf W 4-7 pm