
Welcome to the Neuro Next Community

Neuro Next is a community of interdisciplinary researchers working across Georgia Tech and the Georgia Tech Research Institute who are shaping the future of neuroscience and neurotechnology to improve society through discovery and innovation. We seek to strengthen research impact through cross-institutional collaboration in research, workforce development, and community engagement.

Connecting Events

Neuro Next hosts informal and formal opportunities for the community to gather and hear about cutting-edge research and share ideas for collaboration.

faculty in classroom

Affiliated Faculty

Researchers from across Georgia Tech and GTRI are studying neuroscience, neurotechnology and related societal impacts.

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graphic representing neurodiversity


Neuro Next is committed to growing a community that supports and values a broad range of perspectives, fields of expertise, and lived experiences. 

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Family looking at brain scans

Community Engagement

Neuro Next is excited to engage with the community to broaden access to neuroscience ideas and innovations and to amplify the voices of those in our community with lived experiences of neurological differences and disorders. 

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