Seminar Series Archive

Collection of Past Talks

Explore our archive of past Neuro Next seminars to find informative and engaging topics.

A Motor Theory of Sleep Control

Yang Dan, UC Berkeley

Dissection of neural circuit function and degeneration from a subcellular perspective

Matthew Rowan, Emory

Corticocortical Communication

Adam Kohn, Albert Einstein College of Med

Straighten Up and Fly Right:  Navigation and motor control in fruit flies

Michael Dickinson, Caltech

A Functional Cortical Network for Sensorimotor Sequence Generation

Dan O'Connor, Johns Hopkins

Evolution and Development of a Minimal Nervous System in our Closest Invertebrate Relatives

Alberto Stolfi, GA Tech

Two Forms of Plasticity in Adult Visual Cortex

Michael Stryker, UCSF

Neural Decoding and Control of Multiscale Brain Networks: From Motor to Mood

Maryam Shanechi, USC

Hyperbolic Geometry of the Olfactory Space

Tatyana Sharpee, Salk Institute

Epilepsy - Beyond the Local Network

Nigel Pedersen, Emory

Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanisms of Sociality

Aubrey Kelly, Emory

Perturbation-Imaging Approaches to Study Functional Contributions of Cortical Activity to Human Movement

Michael Borich, Emory