Seminar Series Archive

Collection of Past Talks

Explore our archive of past Neuro Next seminars to find informative and engaging topics.

Using Human Brain Organoids to Unveil Neuron-Gilial Interactions During Development

Steven Sloan, Emory

 Functional Imaging of the Human Brain: A Window into the Architecture of the Mind

Nancy Kanwisher, MIT

Neural Mechanisms of Movement Precision

Abigail Person, UC Denver

Reverse Engineering the Brainstem Circuits that Govern Exploratory Behavior

David Kleinfeld, UC San Diego

Integrating New Knowledge Into a Neural Network Without Catastrophic Interference: Computational and Theoretical Investigations in a Heirarchically Structured Environment

James "Jay" McClelland, Stanford

A naturalistic, big-data approach to understanding the brain

Jack Gallant, UC Berkeley

Imaging the brain at high spatiotemporal resolution

Na Ji, UC Berkeley

Emergent Elasticity in the Neural Code for Space

Surya Ganguli, Stanford

Self-tuning neurons and firing rate homeostasis in visual cortical networks

Gina Turrigiano, Brandeis

Neural circuit mechanisms underlying cognition in rats

Carlos Brody, Princeton

Simultaneous representation of sensory and mnemonic information in human visual cortex

John Serences, UC San Diego

Latent Statistical Structure in Large-Scale Neural Data: How to Find It, and When to Belive It

John Cunningham, Columbia