Seminar Series Archive

Collection of Past Talks

Explore our archive of past Neuro Next seminars to find informative and engaging topics.

Neural Mechanisms of Limb Proprioception and Motor Control in Drosophila

John Tuthill, Univ of Washington

In vitro Modeling of Human Cortical Assembly in Development and Disease

Fikri Birey, Emory

Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms of Active Sensing

Tansu Celikel, Georgia Tech

Novel Translational Research Strategies in Parkinson’s Disease

Anumantha Kanthasamy, UGA

Emergent Computation and Learning from Assemblies of Neurons

Santosh Vempala, Georgia Tech

Motor Cortex Circuits for Motor Control and Learning

Takaki Komiyama, UC San Diego 

Feasability and acceptability of using affordable robots

Michelle Johnson, Univ of Pennsylvania

Neural prostheses for restoring sensory and motor functions

Doug Weber, Carnegie Mellon

From spikes to factors: understanding large-scale neural computations

Mark Churchland, Columbia

PSYONIC - Advances in Commercial Sensorimotor Bionic Limbs

Aadeel Akhtar, CEO, Founder, PSYONIC

Neural Basis for Skilled Movements

Adam Hantman, Univ of North Carolina

Modulation of Pathways with Deep Brain Stimulation

Matthew Johnson, Univ of Minnesota