Seminar Series Archive

Collection of Past Talks

Explore our archive of past Neuro Next seminars to find informative and engaging topics.

The Role of the Paraventricular Thalamus in Fear

Mario Penzo, National Institute of Mental Health

Exploiting neuroplasticity for visual rehabilitation

Ming-fai Fong, Georgia Tech/Emory

Movement Complexity and Falls

Thurmon Lockhart, Arizona State

Peeking Inside Black Boxes:  Understanding Depression Recovery with Deep Brain Stimulation Using Explainable AI

Chris Rozell, Georgia Tech

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience in an Age of Discovery

B. J. Casey, Yale

Understand the Brain Using Interpretable Machine Learning Models

Anqi Wu, Georgia Tech         

Investigating the basis of noise-robust object recognition in humans and convolutional neural networks

Frank Tong, Vanderbilt

 From Neurons to Behavior in Hydra

Adrienne Fairhall, Univ of Washington

Re-examining Information Processing in the Mouse Visual Thalamus

Chinfei Chen, Harvard Medical School

Lessons Learned from Behavioral and Molecular Characterization of Chronic Preclinical TBI

Todd White, Morehouse/VA

Clarifying the Brain Networks that Support Word Learning and Processing

Jeffrey Malins, Georgia State

Decoding distinct attention and working memory states from human EEG

Edward Vogel, University of Chicago