
BME researcher's new BRAIN Initiative award could help find new ways to boost attention and remedy attention deficits.

The old one-liner, “he’s too broke to pay attention,” is a fun play on words, but it also has a grain of grim neurological truth. 

Because attention does not come easily. The…

Campus and the Atlanta community are invited to the official kickoff event for the 2024 Atlanta Science Festival!

Members of the Georgia Tech community are opening their doors once again as part of the 11th annual Atlanta Science Festival. This year, Science and Engineering Day at Georgia Tech will serve as…

Ascend, a new career development program for mid-career faculty, launched its cohort for Spring 2024.

Ascend, a new career development program for mid-career faculty, launched its cohort for Spring 2024. Supported by the Office of Faculty Professional Development, Ascend cohort members include…

As innovation surrounding artificial intelligence continues, Georgia Tech experts offer their thoughts on the scope of the recent executive order and the challenges ahead in regulating AI.

In 1950, Alan Turing asked, “Can machines think?” More than 70 years later, advancements in artificial intelligence are creating exciting possibilities and questions about its potential pitfalls.…

Lizzie Wright knew Georgia Tech was a great school, but had no idea the community she would encounter through her four and a half years.

Lizzie Wright was in 10th grade when she watched a TED Talk about controlling someone else’s arm with your brain.

“It got me thinking — we’re all walking around, talking to people, moving…

Many insects fly synchronously, matching the nervous system pulses to wing movement. But smaller insects don’t have the mechanics for this and must flap their wings harder, which works only up to a certain point. That’s where asynchronous flight comes in.

Mosquitoes are some of the fastest-flying insects. Flapping their wings more than 800 times a second, they achieve their speed because the muscles in their wings can flap faster than their nervous…

Holder hopes to boost outreach to K-12 schools in her new role while continuing to serve as associate director of the College of Science’s rapidly growing undergraduate neuroscience program.

Mary K. Holder, a senior academic professional in the School of Psychology and…

This fall, the Institute will launch a foundational, interdisciplinary program to lead in research related to neuroscience, neurotechnology, and society.

This fall, the Institute will launch a foundational, interdisciplinary program to lead in research related to neuroscience, neurotechnology, and society. The Neuro Next Initiative is the result of…

Harnessing the power of explainable AI, researchers have unveiled the first insights into the complex workings of deep-brain stimulation therapy for severe depression.

A team of clinicians, engineers, and neuroscientists has made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of treatment-resistant depression. By analyzing the brain activity of patients undergoing deep…

This fall, the Institute will launch a foundational, interdisciplinary program to lead in research related to neuroscience, neurotechnology, and society.

This fall, the Institute will launch a foundational, interdisciplinary program to lead in research related to neuroscience, neurotechnology, and society. The Neuro Next Initiative is the result of…

Researchers probe the mechanisms underlying the rhythmic dance that recruits the brain’s immune system

Annabelle Singer was a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when she helped develop a light and sound therapeutic system…

Researchers probe the mechanisms underlying the rhythmic dance that recruits the brain’s immune system

Annabelle Singer was a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when she helped develop a light and sound therapeutic system…

Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology received a $4.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative to establish a center to make and globally distribute next-generation micro-technologies for neuroscience. The

Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology received a $4.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRAIN Initiative…

Georgia Tech researchers have joined a cohort of 125 early career scholars who represent the most promising scientific researchers working today.

News coverage originally posted by Jerry Grillo and Bryant Wine

Jeffrey Markowitz and Anqi Wu have joined a cohort of 125 early career scholars who represent the most promising…

Study shows good navigators often use a bird’s eye view perspective to organize and remember different places in the environment and have a map-like representation of the environment in their mind.

Chances are we all know someone who gets lost easily and often: people who move to a new city or walk into an office building and have no idea where to go — and even after several trips they…