
The “Game Changers” episode shows how Ting's team study movement, human balance, and gait.
Georgia Tech has received two Department of Defense (DoD) 2022 Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) awards totaling almost $14 million.

Georgia Tech has received two Department of Defense (DoD)…

Both have made bachelor’s degree students a priority in their labs, giving them opportunities to work with graduate students and help produce peer-reviewed research publications.

The Georgia Tech Faculty Honors Committee has recognized two faculty members in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering for their remarkable support of undergraduate…

Georgia Tech has received two Department of Defense (DoD) 2022 Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) awards totaling almost $14 million.

Georgia Tech has received two Department of Defense (DoD)…

Students praise Singer for her dedication to creating courses that inspired them to give their best, even when they didn’t know all the answers.

The Center for Teaching and Learning at Georgia Tech has named biomedical engineering faculty member Annabelle Singer one of best teachers on campus…

Joined by alumni and friends, the College of Sciences welcomes new professors, presents annual faculty honors alongside inaugural staff and research faculty awards in recognition of individual excellence and community accomplishments.

As the end of the school year approaches, recognition of exceptional work across research, teaching, administration, and community building took center stage at Harrison Square on April 14 at the…

Four Coulter BME research groups will offer more details alongside deeper discussions at Symposium on Health Disparities.

Alopecia was front and center for Valencia Watson long before Academy Award winner Will Smith and comedian Chris Rock made it topical with the smack seen round the world.

A third-year…

Learn about biology lecturer and director of Outreach for Undergraduate Neuroscience Christina Ragan’s work and approach to outreach — and stop by "Through the Lenses of Your Senses" on March 19.

From the science of crafting to a …

New faculty member uses a combination of computational, engineering, and biological approaches to unravel how the brain controls action.

As a graduate student, Jeffrey Markowitz joined a lab that was studying how zebra finches create their courtship song. The finches could learn their…

Haider lab develops tools to study neural traffic jams

Bilal Haider is studying how multiple areas of the brain work together for visual perception.  This could help researchers understand if neural activity “traffic jams” underlie all kinds of…

Hannah Choi is one of the latest Georgia Tech professors to receive a coveted Sloan Research Fellowship, bestowed upon “scientific leaders of tomorrow” for research excellence.

Hannah Choi of the School of Mathematics has joined the ranks of Georgia…

Fellows represent just the top 2% of medical and biological engineers in the nation, according to AIMBE.

Three faculty members in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering have joined the distinguished College of Fellows of the…

Stanley lab discovers expanded role for brain’s sensory processing center

When you start learning how to do something new, like swinging a tennis racket or playing a musical instrument, the simplest tasks can feel difficult. Shifting from one chord to another on a…

Thanks to the generosity of a Georgia Tech and Emory University alum, the Applied Physiology Ph.D. program at Georgia Tech will work with the Emory University School of Medicine and Shepherd Center to create a new neurorehabilitation training program.

Since it was founded in 2002, the Applied Physiology Ph.D. program at Georgia Tech has had close ties to rehabilitation science. Now, thanks to the generosity of a Georgia Tech and Emory…

Simons Foundation award supports research of information flow along the visual neural highway

In people with autism, neural “traffic jams” may slow the flow of information along visual routes in the brain, delaying timely, responsive actions. 

Just as highway departments study…