Itch receptors in the airway
Liang Han, Georgia Tech
Spike timing, precision, and sensory conflict in motor control
Simon Sponberg, Georgia Tech
How the cortex regulates the thalamus
Barry Connors, Brown University
Inhibitory control of cortical activity in vivo
Bilal Haider, Georgia Tech
The Fabric of the Neocortex: Canonical structure and computations
Andreas Tolias, Baylor College of Medicine
Toward Understanding the Cortico-cerebellar Circuits that Underlie Predictive Processing
Farzaneh Najafi, Georgia Tech
Neural Circuits for Vision in the Natural World
Cris Niell, Univ of Oregon
Scalable Human Brain Imaging with Time-of-flight Filtered Diffuse Optical Interferometry
Vivek Srinivasan, New York University